Wednesday 30 May 2012

Geography Project "All-in-One" post

Here's my Geography project for y'all to read! I created a Slideshow rather than doing five individual blog posts, and then uploaded it onto SlideShare, so here's the link to SlideShare:

Hope you Enjoy!

Thursday 17 May 2012

As high as a kite in Scifest

Last Wednesday every TY was entered into Scifest, it's some what like BT Young Scientist because it's a Science Competition. We entered again with our iPhone App - 'The Surfboard Solver'. We didn't get the App made, never knew how much work went into that before!
When we were preparing for judging we were freaking out, hoping we wouldn't forget what to say, but as soon as the judges came it all just spilled out of us and we remembered everything from BTYSE. In the end we won the Communication Award! Such a great feeling that they thought we were the best communicators! All those late nights & long hours really paid off!


On the 27th of April 30 TY girlies headed off to Kippure Lodge (an adventure centre) for our Gaisce hike. I'm guessing most of you don't know what Gaisce is, so in Anglais it is called 'The President's Award'. For TY we took on a Skill, a Sport and got involved in the Community. I did my Flute, Camogie and got involved with Brownies (helping out with the super cute kids!) And then the last thing we had to do was a 25km hike, can you believe it!? We did it over two days and it was so exciting! Hiking is my new favourite thing ever! 

We had the best little chats up and down the mountain, which was super steep sometimes! And honestly the best food ever.. yes, we did splurge.. After the long hike it was so great to come back to our OWN houses. And that's not an exaggeration - they were such nice houses & there was about 12 in each. Best night ever, with chatting, chatting and yes, more chatting! We also did high ropes, oh wow! Let's just say standing on a wobbly pole two stories high is scary.  

I feel so accomplished with it ! 

Tuesday 1 May 2012

It's been a long time coming

Okay, okay I'm a terrible blogger I know I should have blogged sooner because I have so much to fill y'all in on! 

Eriú Retreat

About two weeks ago Eriú went off to Glendalough for a little R & R, well more like reflection time on our annual retreat. I always love these days, because they are so relaxing and the scenery in Glendalough is so amazing! All of the girls were saying that we should come to the lake on picnics more often! The day was spent walking, so I was a little annoyed I had decided to wear such unhelpful shoes! We were all wrapped up and ready for the day, and the sun was shinning which we were blessed with. It was a time where we would spend with our own thoughts and we were encouraged to walk in silence, but of course being the chatty class we are that was a little difficult! Mrs L accompanied us along with Mr K, and we were led by two natives to Glendalough, one of whom was a priest who surprisingly knew a huge amount about technology and TV shows that are out at the moment! 
But all in all I loved the day - rain may have come but we were lucky, unlike today class Fódhla are gone and it has not stopped raining once! 

Swim a mile avec a smile!

Okay it really is "Swim a mile with a smile" but I was feeling a little adventurous! On Friday 20th the TYs headed to the National Aquatic Centre for the Ian Daly Swim a mile. It's a great cause set up by a fellow TY and her family, Eimear D. It was set up for her brother and has been running for years and so many of the TYs have been swimming a mile every year since they were young. A lot of the girls swam the mile and I'll post some pictures of them, but I hadn't been swimming in a while (I know, excuses, excuses!) but I swam 52 lengths! Eimear D, not surprisingly swam an amazing 128 lenghts!

Talk soon xo

Monday 30 April 2012

Shh! Book Review of 'Silence'

Another book review of the wonderful Becaa Fitzpatirck and her wonderful novel, Silence!
Patch ©

Novel Review
‘Silence’ by Becca Fitzpatrick

The novel I have read is ‘Silence’ by Becca Fitzpatrick. It is the third book to the utterly flawless ‘Hush, Hush’ series. I have read all three books and yet I am still unsure as to which book I love the most – they are all so wonderfully written in their own way. Silence, however was intriguing for several different reasons including relationship developments, characters, writing styles and relating to me the reader.

                Within all three novels there are many characters that seem to come and go – some fade in and out of importance but of course Nora is always the centre of attention. Nora Grey is the protagonist of the novel, who over the previous two books was constantly changing. I didn’t believe it was ever possible for someone’s personality to change so drastically but once again she changes in the beginning of Silence. Silence picks up flawlessly where Crescendo (book two) leaves off. Nora has been kidnapped and the opening chapter of Silence transports us to a graveyard, from a prospective of whom we assume is Nora, but something has changed with the way she is telling her story – which we soon discover is because of her drastic memory loss. Silence begins in a heart-breaking way as Nora is found months after her kidnapping with no memory of what's happened during that time period and before that. If trying to piece the last few months together was hard enough, her mother is dating Nora and Patch's enemy, and her arch enemies father, her best friend is keeping something from her, her mother isn't totally honest with her, Scott is back and wants to help her and a mystery guy named Jev keeps popping up when Nora least excepts it.
With the memory loss, Nora’s character has most defiantly changed and the story of Silence is almost following Nora in re-discovering her personality. During the previous novels Nora had developed as a character from a timid country-living girl to an extremely independent woman, but it seems that because of her memory loss Nora’s character development is slowed as she has to become dependent on those around her to piece her life back together.
Patch or “Jev” as he seems to be more well-known in this novel has also changed. We of course know him as Nora’s boyfriend and having a very strong connection with her. He is also portrayed in a different light in this novel, proving he too is a three-dimensional character. As a reader, Patch is known to be the sexy, sleek guy constantly wearing black – his trademark. However when we first hear of ‘Jev’ he has not only changed his name but his entire appearance – wearing jeans and a baseball cap & most shocking of all driving a white SUV. I soon learned that the reason for this change was in relation to Nora’s memory loss which was forced after the terrible kidnapping – Patch wanted Nora to forget about him.

                Although there is a never ending essay that could be written about both Patch’s and Nora’s characters alone – their relationship takes that to an entire different level. Fitzpatrick uses her fabulous skills to portray the relationship between the characters and her descriptions of their time together are unforgettable. In the introduction they are not together and there is barely any mention of Patch, it’s difficult to comprehend at first that he can be absent for such a huge part of the novel because we are so used to hearing from him all the time – I was missing him! Because of her memory loss their relationship is put on hold, because she doesn’t even remember him. As a reader it was hard, I believe to have to read through the novel as if I didn’t know who Patch was (as the story is told from Nora’s perspective). However, the twists and turns in the relationship are what makes the novel so enthralling. In the first novel their relationship can only be described as a whirlwind of emotion and there were ups and of course their downs. However in Crescendo the first chapter transports us straight back into the relationship between the two, who are at this point in time deeply in love. Their relationship was built on trust and commitment to each other.  I found their relationship to be particularly fascinating, as we saw them face many obstacles that prevented them from falling in love, in Crescendo and for a time it separated them, yet they overcame these obstacles. Once again, they are faced with the toughest obstacle of all in Silence – one that you believe they may not get over. But I almost laugh in hindsight that I doubted these characters couldn’t tackle anything. They once again return to the Nora and Patch we once knew, and from me that was when the book truly caught my attention . As I read this, I could relate back to the novel ‘Pride and Prejudice’ and compare the relationship of Elizabeth and Darcy to that of Nora and Patch. I loved this aspect of the reading to be able to think about how they could overcome such obstacles and compare it to how Elizabeth and Darcy overcame their difficulties, such as their social class. This relationship developed gradually over the course of the novel .

                As a young reader, in my opinion the most absorbing aspect to a novel would be the stylistic techniques used by the author. I don’t think I can begin to describe how magnificently Fitzpatrick captivates moments in the novel. She describes scenes with such detail and pays attention to every sense – taste, touch, smell, visual and sounds. As the story is told from Nora’s perspective one aspect that I always become captivated by is the relationship between Patch and Nora. I feel as though I am there living through Nora’s life and as if I can feel every touch she feels, every emotion. Another one of the many techniques which I picked up on in Silence was when Nora went through her memory loss, although I knew her history I was still easily able to relate to her irrational behaviour because of her memory loss. It gave me an insight to how those living with amnesia may feel, although I know it is only a very slight feel in comparison to real life, I still believe it teaches you a great lesson & shows the difficulties that some people are forced to live with. . In my opinion, to have the skill to make a reader feel the raw emotion of the moment it truly astounding, and for that reason I would recommend this book to any reader.
                I believe I have proved that I absolutely love these book series, however I found that there was one feature of the novel that was a slight let down. There were times I felt that the beginning of story was a little repetitive, which given what happened to Nora made sense. I thought Fitzpatrick did an outstanding  job at working Nora's memory loss with recounting certain events that happened in Crescendo into Silence's storyline. What I got a little bit frustrated with was Nora's inability to piece things together quicker. She's a character whom I thought was always on the ball, and I didn't find it believable that it took her so long to put things together, especially when a few things like her connection to Patch were so obvious both to her and me as a reader. Once things do come back to her, the story really took off for me and I found myself having a hard time putting the book down.

                Personally, as a young reader this was one of the most exciting, enthralling, chilling and unforgettable books I have read. It is the cliché ‘once you pick it up you won’t put it down’ type of book and I honestly read this from beginning to end within two days. Had I the time it most certainly would have been finished within one! It is at the top of my favourite books, and if you haven’t read or heard of it before I would undoubtedly recommend it.

                Although there was one negative aspect to the novel I believe the positives most defiantly out-do the negatives creating an utterly fantastic novel, which was displayed through characters and character development, relationships, relating to me the reader and stylistic techniques. 

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Hurting by Hockey

I love the fact that I can come to my blog and get some little relief from a bad day, and today wasn't the best to be honest. Even though the weather was beautiful, the sun made me feel like I was in California and my day was jam packed I feel defeated. Literally and emotionally!

It was our LEINSTER Semi-Final, we had such a great opportunity to make it far, and I know the past is the past but it's hard to let go of such a big thing. As you have probably guessed we played a hockey match today and as hard as it is to say, we were defeated. I absolutely love my hockey team and we played brilliantly we fought and fought and the sweat (as disgusting as it might sound!) was dripping from us, plus it was super sunny, okay! 

I have to say our goalie, Meg M is amazing and the amount of goals she has saved, let's just say if she got a euro for each time she saved a goal - she would be a millionaire! Of course I can't forget our spectacular Captain, 6th Year student, Ali. Words just cannot describe how amazing of a captain this girl is, she is the most wondeful hockey player I have ever seen pass through St. Wolstan's and she gives the most encourage talks before a match which truly mean so much, Suffice to say her absence was truly missed today. We were imagining her there on the sideline cheering us on, or playing a blinder on the pitch as usual! I can honestly say that I will miss this team with all my heart, over the past year we have become like a small knit family and not training for the rest of this year will break my heart! I don't want it to be over. 

Although we lost the match, it was not a struggle - we fought and we worked. It was such an unlucky goal but we were unlucky and we all have to deal will losing sometime, someone has to lose and someone has to win and sadly we were on the wrong side today. But next year, all the girls that will be with us get ready to work because we WILL win the Leinsters!

Love all of you girls and I know it feels horrible being defeated but time will pass & we'll be back on top of our game (with the help of some delicious Caramel Squares J )

This post has defiantly put me in a better mood, and all I'm thinking of is the fun times with you girls!

Talk soon xo

Sunday 11 March 2012

World of Work!

May I say what a wonderful week I had on Work Experience in Avoca! I can't compare my last one in Roly's to it because they were so different but both so amazing! I want to say before I begin if anyone is looking for a place to go on Work Experience I would most defiantly reccommend Avoca. There are several different Avoca's situated around the country (and in the US and the UK which I discovered on the job!) But I wa sin the one in Suffolk Street, in Dublin City! The people there were so inviting and friendly, I have never met a group of people that were so kind and welcoming.
     The first morning I have to say, I wasn't as nervous as I was going in to Roly's, my last placement. I felt I had the experience of dealing with new people and dealing with the fact I wouldn't know everything straight away. I was also much calmer because I had met the Store Manager through obtaining the placement so I knew who to go to and where to go. I was in at nine o'clock and began at ten. I spent the first half of the day pricing flowers (the fake ones!), which to some may sound kind of boring but I really loved it! I got to learn how to use new technology (the pricing machine) and it really was so interesting to learn how things were done in the shop. There was two other girls working with me, so we took lunch together and it was great to meet new people and I was so happy that there was other people there to work with! I was then given the role of clothing manager while the actual manager was on her lunch. This part I absolutely loved! The instructions I was given was to make sure the customers were kept happy and ask anyone were they okay and help them if they needed it. I was so happy because I worked with a women who was interested in a cardigan & asked for my opinion and then she bought it! I felt so proud

      The second day was probably another really exciting day because it was the first stock delivery of the week. Each week there are two deliveries; one on Tuesday and Thursday. Our job was to sort out all the stock and take everything out of the boxes, put half of the stock on trolleys for the floor and the rest of the stock to the stock rooms. The first couple of boxes I had to sort through were all stationary and I had to use the pricing machine again, wahoooo! So much fun! I also had to count all the stock and make sure the right amounts had been delivered as it said on the invoice. I felt so in charge!
     Wednesday there wasn't anything extremely different to the other days but Thursday was a day I was pleased with. I was asked to come in at nine, although we were meant to start at ten. The Store Manager asked me to come in and manage the kids department until someone got in to take over at eleven. It was another thing which I felt so in charge of and proud that she had asked me to come in! I just had to keep the floor tidy and help any customers if they needed it once again. It was my first day up in the kids departments so I had to get used to my surroundings but it didn't take long 
J I then spent the day with the manager helping with the main floor displays, which was also pretty fun because we got to change around the displays completely and the manager was so nice, she was almost like a friend than a boss!
      When I applied for Avoca, I was hoping to be involved in the culinary aspect - in the kitchen or the food hall & I wasn't expecting to be involved in the retail sections as much, so I asked could I spend a day in the kitchen and I was allowed to on the Friday morning. I went straight up the kitchen that morning and got an apron and hat and looked just like a little chef! © I was put with the pastry chef, who surprisingly enough was a past student from my school! So we had plenty to talk about. I got to get involved with baking the breads and cakes for the café and other small preparations that had to be done. The pastry chef told me that she and her colleagues had to work eight hours a day but could start at different times and as early as they wanted in the morning, for example if you started at six o'clock you would be finished by two. She had started that morning at seven so she was finished by three, and so was I. It seemed so early to be finished because I was used to finishing at five or six! So I decided I wasn't ready to go home and went down and finished off my day in the shop. Before leaving the Manager spoke to me and told me she was going to take my details and call me any time they needed me or were short staff! J I WAS ECSTATIC! She asked me to come in that Sunday and work for her because she was short staff, it felt so great getting up that Sunday morning and saying that I was 'going to work'!

I would 100% recommend Avoca as a Work Experience placement. Well actually I would 1000000000% recommend it! It's such a friendly working environment and the workers are young which is great because they can help you and understand more than older employees would. 

I cannot wait to go back to work for them again, and if any of you guys have any questions  about it just comment!

I © Avoca!

PS. Could you guys read this blog post really quickly if you have the time written about Kony 2012!
Talk Soon ©