Tuesday 22 November 2011

"Rolling, rolling, rolling down to the bistro!" - Roly's Bistro, Work Experience

Honestly, I don't know where to begin with this amazing experience. I rememeber this time last year reading the Transition Year's blogs about Work Experience and my excitment and anticipation for my week & I can safely say that it definalty lived up to my expectations! I was working in a gorgeous restaurant - Roly's Bistro in Ballsbridge, Dublin. I really don't think I could have been more pleased with my week!
  I was so anxious the first day; 'Was I dressed appropriatly?', 'Was I going to be spending my week washing dishes?', 'What was the staff going to be like?'. Literally thousands of worries running through my mind. But as soon as I stepped foot into the restaurant I calmed myself. I  couldn't believe how friendly each worker was & even more so my superviser. I was brought to the bakery the first morning, believe it or not! How lucky? The smell was unbelievable and again everyone was so welcoming. It ended up that the baker in there was from the same town as me! I was straight into work - no waiting around! I honestly expected to be treated and seen as a nusance & that I was more in the way than anything else but I was given the responsibility of so many desserts that day - my spcialty was 'Bread and Butter Pudding' which I had mastered on that first day! Warning: This will get your mouth watering!
I also made Cheesecake, Pavlova, Breakfast Compot (which is mixed berries, yogurt, museli & fresh fruit in one small cup) and cute individual Apple Pies to name but a few! I was off at a reasonable time - just 2 O'Clock and so I had the rest of the day to massage my feet!
   The second day I arrived in and went for the bakery again, but I was able to stay a little while longer and have a couple of tasters through out the day! One of my jobs was to sort the "Tapas" & my oh my was I glad I was given that job! They were miniature desserts, like mini cheesecakes, bonoffie pie, eclair's! Yuuuum.
   On the third day I headed to the main kitchen, which was where there prepared the vegetables, soup, casseroles all the foodstuuf that can be prepared in advance. It was a tough day, on the feet and there is so much to be done, you wouldn't believe. For spinach alone there is so much involved - by taking out the stalk from the middle. And it's spinach! Not including the mushrooms, peppers, garlics and the onions (I was blubering the entire time!) Tears were literally falling from my eyes. Onions and I really don't have the best relationship!
    I've been dying to talk about my last day! My most exciting and FAVOURITE day! I was down again in the preparation kitchen and then my all time favourite part of the day - I went up to the serving kitchen. OH MY GOD! That's all I can say. I must admit that it was tough and I felt a little awkward at the start but once I came to terms with the way the kitchen worked I felt so much more at ease. I was put on starters and helped the chef prepare all the starters. It was so thrilling to get the orders in and have to count how many of what dish was needed, any special requests and so on. I couldn't believe how much I loved it! I prepeared dishes such as pigeon, paté, crab cakes.. food that you'd never think of preparing! I was then put onto *drum roll please* DESSERTS! And boy were they delicious :) I got to prepare cheesecake, pavlova, crumble & a knickerbocker glory - something to suit everyone! Delicious delicious food, and I'll be heading back sometime soon because my supervisor have me a gift of a dinner for two (which means people gotta be nice to me and maybe give me a chocolate bar some days!) I was in until 11 o'clock that night, but it was most defaintly worth it. I gained so much experience and now know that I am sure to do something along those lines when I'm older.

Check out Roly's website: http://www.rolysbistro.ie/

and the delicious food!

P.S.! OMG can't believe I forgot to mention this, but the list of celebs that have eaten there is endless - from Colin Farrell to Sarah Jessica Parker! And the Red Hot Chilli Peppers were in the week before me, so dissappointed - did they not know I was going to be there the next week?

I would definalty reccommend Roly's as a Work Expereince placement for anyone interested in that forte :)

Talk soon xo

1 comment:

  1. omg! that sounds awesome! i'm in third year but i'm looking for work experiences for next year, and roly's sounds awesome! i'm definitely gonna look into that. Thanks!
