Thursday 6 October 2011

Hmm.. "Trouble in Paradise" ?

There's a weird feeling at the moment in the class. In IT there's usually a couple of quiet converstaions and people whispering among themselves. But today it's different. All I can hear is the clicking of the keyboard as everyone furiously types. And I have a feeling almost everyone is writing about the same thing today: 'The Fun Walk'. Every year we have a walk with the entire school and each year is given a specific coulour, and from that colour they have to choose a theme. As Transition Years we were given the colour yellow, and from that we chose Bananas as our theme.. which may be a bit cliché! We also have to think up of a dance to impress the judges. From rumours the other two TY class are more like cheerleaders rather than doing a simple dance. We've heard whispers of  crowd surfing and "throwing!" a fellow TY in the air! So, we decided to up our game and make human pyramids. Never in my life have I seen something so unbelievably difficult! We're having so much trouble trying to arrange this dance so we can have some shot of winning (the chocolate bars!!!). There seems to be a bit of division arising in the class aswell. I just hope once the Fun Walk is over with, the class will just be 'back to normal'.
Talk soon xo


  1. Your dance looked really good today. Well done :)

  2. Thank you! It seemed to work out well in the end, apart from me falling everywhere off the girls' backs! :P
